Water is the most important liquid we put into our bodies each day. Studies have shown that by maintaining proper acid/alkaline balance in our bodies, we can insure proper organ function and benefit our health. Our body is made up of almost 80% water, so it is very important to continually replenish your body’s supply of water. It is very important in preventing common health problems and disease.
Every day your body loses over 2 liters of water, just by performing your normal daily activities. The quality and quantity of the water that you drink is equally important. You want to ensure that the water you put into your body will be able to prevent toxins and chemicals from building up and causing destructive damage on your body’s cells.
Water is also very important in aiding in the transport of valuable minerals and nutrients, which is required for your body’s cells growth. It is also responsible for removing a lot of damaging substances that may be harmful to your body. It is suggested that you drink water with a pH of 9 to 10, and that you consume at least 3-4 liters of proper pH balanced water daily.
Alkaline water is the best type of water to drink to help in neutralizing acids and toxins your body may store. These acids must be neutralized, so that they can be removed from the body. Alkaline water contains a helpful substance called ionic minerals. Ionic minerals act as a conductor of electrochemical activity, which travels from cell to cell. Recent reports have shown that ionized, alkaline water can prevent diseases from forming in the body and even possibly slow the aging process.
Drinking plenty of water and keeping your organs hydrated is very important, to ensure you prevent your body from failing to function properly. Being dehydrated can cause many problems such as; headaches, heartburn, depression, diabetes, sleep apnea, weight gain and even asthma. Brain function can even be affected, by poor hydration, since your brain is made of about 85% water.
You can find alkaline water ionizers in some local health food stores. You can also buy alkaline water ionizers online, from dealers who specialize in selling them. Keeping a daily supply of properly pH balanced water is important to your health. You should consider this when choosing the type of water to replenish your body’s organs.
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