Monday, October 12, 2009
Antioxidants - your weapon against oxidative stress
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
What does Coke do to you?
* In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don't immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.
* 20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat.
* 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.
* 45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.
Anything put u off?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Toxins and Their Potentially Dangerous Impact
Thursday, September 24, 2009
How Much Nutrient Supplementation is Enough?
It's The Radicals, Man
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Dealing with Toxins
You must detoxify your body in order to lose weight. Here are ten tips to help you start detoxing today without drastically changing your lifestyle:
1. Eat organic fruits and vegetables.
Conventional fruits and vegetables are full of chemicals that harm your body. Organic food is grown without the use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers. The sooner you stop polluting your body, the sooner you will start to look and feel healthier.
2. Eat kosher meat.
When you eat a burger the growth hormones that were given to the cow are then passed on to you thus making you grow and gain weight! Organic meat is produced without giving the animal antibiotics or growth hormones. Only buy certified organic meat and only eat free-range chicken. Your body will thank you.
3. Do a juice fast.
The juice fast essentially means you drink juice throughout the day, every day. Your juice must be fresh and organic. This can be done for 3 days, 10 days or 30 days. It depends on your level of discipline, your size and your health goals. If you have never done a juice fast before then you will start seeing results right away!
4. Add apple cider vinegar to your diet:
You can use it as salad dressing or drink it with water. Apple Cider Vinegar helps detoxify your liver. Take 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar mixed in water before every meal to aid in weight-loss.
5. Add coconut oil when you cook:
Virgin coconut oil can be added to your everyday meals as a substitute for your cooking oil. It improves digestion, promotes weight-loss and helps keep skin and hair looking young and healthy.
6. Drink green tea:
EGCG, an antioxidant contained in green tea, helps the body burn fat. Antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, E, and the polyphenols found in green tea also help your body reduce the time that toxins stay in your system.
7. Dry-brush before you shower.
Go to your local health food store and buy a dry brush. Then brush your skin before every shower. This removes dead skin cells and toxins helping you lose weight and have glowing skin.
8. Get a shower filter.
Your tap water can contain pesticides, toxic bacteria, viruses and traces of human and animal waste. Every time you take a shower or drink out of the tap you are ingesting dangerous toxic chemicals. Filtering your water also improves your hair and skin! Chanson's Spa Filter is a great pick.
9. Add fiber to your diet.
Fiber keeps your meal moving along your gastrointestinal tract and helps flush your body of metabolic waste. Fiber also keeps your energy levels high, and slows your rate of carbohydrate digestion, which helps you maintain your blood sugar levels.
10. Consume Alkaline Ionized Water:
Alkaline Water washes away toxins from the body. Because of its high pH and electically charged nature, the water is great for not only weightloss but also for an overall healthier body and mind. Chanson Alkaline Water is a trusted name in the water ionization industry. Chanson's Water Ionizers can be easily installed in your kitchen to turn your tap water into healthy alkaline ionized water.
Staph Bacteria Found on Public Beaches
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Chronic Pancreatitis and Antioxidents
Some poeple have experienced that antioxidants are effective in relieving pain and reducing levels of oxidative stress in patients with CP.
Why Water Ionizers have become essential
I have some personal beliefs around that. Even though our bodies have their own internal ways of balancing ph levels, they were never designed to carry the acidic load the modern diet dumps into them. Our typical diet today is so high in acid-producing foods that I believe our bodies cannot stay balanced.
The Internal Benefits of Alkaline Ionized Water (Antioxidant Water):
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Antioxidant Water a Youth Fountain!
Antioxidants slow the effects of aging! Free radicals damage the cells within our body that are vital to a youthful appearance and good health. Alkaline ionized water can slow down the loss of muscle elasticity that leads to wrinkles, boost your immunity making you less susceptible to illness, and put the breaks on memory failure, as free radicals injure the brain cells necessary for retaining information.
The Importance of Antioxidants in Fruits, Vegetables and our Water!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Antioxidants and their effect on our health
What You Should Know about Water
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Water Facts
The US government seeks several thousand volunteers to test a swine flu shot!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Alkaline Ionized Water makes blood cells healthier

Saturday, July 4, 2009
Get the Lead Out with Alkaline Water.

All toxins are harmful for adults and children alike. A great idea is to keep our bodies alkalized by drinking alkaline ionized water instead of distilled or bottled mineral water. It is a powerful natural anti oxidants and removes toxins from the body.
We've worried about lead in toys, and of course, in paint, but now according to the Center for Environmental Health in Oakland, Calif, we have to beware of lead in our purses, too. SFGate reports that the group filed suit against 16 retailers (including popular retail chains including Target, H&M, Forever 21, and Kohl's).
At least 26 brands are accused of manufacturing products (mostly made of vinyl or faux leather) that contain a level of lead high enough to pose a health risk when touched or handled. Lead poses a particularly dangerous for pregnant women and young children.
This certainly isn't the Center for Environmental Health's first rodeo. It sought legal action against the use of lead in jewelry, herbal remedies, vinyl toys and clothing, and has lobbied to end the use of lead in the weights that balance car tires. The focus always remains on the retailers, though, as the group sees them as the key to keeping consumers safe.
Jim Sluzewski, a spokesman for Macy's says that although the company wasn't aware of any ill health effects from its purses and fully expected the suppliers to follow state, laws, "We are taking the Center for Environmental Health's claims very seriously and will work with our suppliers to address the issue."
We must take our own precautions because just like the case above, you never know when you come into contact with other such harmful substances. The best way forward is to stay alkalized through alkaline ionized water.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Know What's in Your Water
Water is the most important liquid we put into our bodies each day. Studies have shown that by maintaining proper acid/alkaline balance in our bodies, we can insure proper organ function and benefit our health. Our body is made up of almost 80% water, so it is very important to continually replenish your body’s supply of water. It is very important in preventing common health problems and disease.
Every day your body loses over 2 liters of water, just by performing your normal daily activities. The quality and quantity of the water that you drink is equally important. You want to ensure that the water you put into your body will be able to prevent toxins and chemicals from building up and causing destructive damage on your body’s cells.
Water is also very important in aiding in the transport of valuable minerals and nutrients, which is required for your body’s cells growth. It is also responsible for removing a lot of damaging substances that may be harmful to your body. It is suggested that you drink water with a pH of 9 to 10, and that you consume at least 3-4 liters of proper pH balanced water daily.
Alkaline water is the best type of water to drink to help in neutralizing acids and toxins your body may store. These acids must be neutralized, so that they can be removed from the body. Alkaline water contains a helpful substance called ionic minerals. Ionic minerals act as a conductor of electrochemical activity, which travels from cell to cell. Recent reports have shown that ionized, alkaline water can prevent diseases from forming in the body and even possibly slow the aging process.
Drinking plenty of water and keeping your organs hydrated is very important, to ensure you prevent your body from failing to function properly. Being dehydrated can cause many problems such as; headaches, heartburn, depression, diabetes, sleep apnea, weight gain and even asthma. Brain function can even be affected, by poor hydration, since your brain is made of about 85% water.
You can find alkaline water ionizers in some local health food stores. You can also buy alkaline water ionizers online, from dealers who specialize in selling them. Keeping a daily supply of properly pH balanced water is important to your health. You should consider this when choosing the type of water to replenish your body’s organs.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Alkaline Water and Allergy Symptoms
Many allergy sufferers find that the time of year when most people are enjoying the great outdoors becomes more of a hassle than an enjoyment. However, there are some ways to help combat your allergy problems during the spring months. First of all, it's a good idea to consider getting started with an alkaline water regimen.
Alkaline water that has been negatively charged with the ions is scientifically and medically proven to help balance the ratio of acid versus alkalinity in the human body. While this may not seem a big deal, this balance can have a dramatic impact on the body's ability to combat allergens.
If you've suffered from allergies for a long time, you probably already tried other ways to treat and prevent the onset of allergy symptoms. For this reason, it's very likely you have nothing to lose and an ample amount of skepticism when it comes to natural allergy remedies. If you're tired of taking countless allergy pills and struggling with other remedies that have helped, embarking on a regimen of natural alkaline water as a treatment may just be the saving grace.
The good news is, you don't have to take our word for it. Use your skepticism as a tool and try alkaline water for a mere three weeks. We can guarantee that after a mere three weeks of an alkaline water routine, you will notice a dramatic improvement in your allergy symptoms. You may even find yourself venturing outdoors more often and enjoying some of the many benefits spring has to offer.
Don't waste another moment being stuck indoors while the rest of the world is blooming with the promise of spring. Instead, simply begin your alkaline regimen today, and treat your allergy problems naturally and effectively in a relatively short period of time.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Why We Need to Drink Alkaline Water for Better Health
Water is the one thing most living creatures must have to survive. It is important for us to know when our bodies experience signs of dehydration and how to avoid damaging our health as a result. You can identify the alkaline needs of your body once you realize the schedule needed for getting there. Drinking alkaline water is just one way you can make sure your dietary needs for alkaline are being met.
Having the right amount of alkaline and acids in the body is essential for cellular function and the elimination of waste products from the human body. Increasing the amount of alkaline water you drink will remove impurities from your body, increase your energy levels and may even assist in restoration of proper body pH.
Drinking plain tap water is not good enough when we are experiencing a sluggish digestive system or our energy levels are running low. By allowing our bodies to become dehydrated, we only increase our bodies inability to function properly and maintain homeostasis. Adding alkaline water to our diets is critical to our continued good health and proper body conditions.
With all the attention people pay to their diets and making sure they get the proper amount of exercise, it is just as important to know which fluids are needed to making sure we stay healthy. If we consume to much soda, juices or caffeine we are deliberately sabotaging our bodies. You can do all you can to ensure your body performs at its peak levels by simply adding alkaline water to your diet.
Eating right, getting enough sleep, visiting the gym and taking care of our health conditions are all integral to staying healthy and have been proven to increase longevity and improve quality of life. If you intend on doing everything you can to be at your physical best, you definitely need to check into all the healthful benefits of drinking alkaline water.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Various Healthful Benefits of Ionized Water
Drinking water is recommended for its healthful benefits, and we need to think of water in terms of a complete picture -- how it helps our bodies function, what it does to our cells, how it affects us physiologically and much more. Adding alkaline water or ionized water to our diets can have several helpful benefits and if you have any specific questions, simply consult with your physician who can answer more comprehensive and in depth questions for you.
Certain minerals are known to improve alkaline water levels and as a result the high Ph levels and this can have an anticancer effect on the human body. Unstable levels of free radicals can result in a higher likelihood of cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative diseases that increase with aging.
Consuming water by mouth only takes a second. The water then travels all throughout the body within a period of 30 minutes. If plain water could act as a scavenger of free radicals, it would be the ideal antioxidant water.
Alkaline water has been used in Japan and Korea for more than 30 years. In these countries an ionized water dispenser is considered a medical device because using one has many health benefits. Ionized water is a powerful antioxidant and there is no doubt about the health benefits -- it also assists in oxygen production, correcting the body's internal acid/alkaline levels, increases energy levels, hydrates cells of the body and may help reduce the effect that aging has on the human body.
If you want to improve your body function and overall health and well being, you should check into the various water machines and other products available from Chanson Water Ionizers. You may find yourself so impressed with the selection and the benefits of the product it may even inspire you to become a water ionizer dealer yourself.
Nobody can dispute that consuming water is important for your body and health. Research has shown that water is important for the body to function and for human survival. Check out all the products offered from Chanson Water Ionizers and you are sure to find several water machines, with one specifically designed to suit your needs.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Benefits of Healthy Water
With the use of alkaline water or also known as micro water you will enjoy the benefits of actually staying hydrated longer. This process takes place due to the hydroxyl ions in your water that are electrically charged and literally seek out then neutralize the free radicals in your body through the use of the wonderful Chanson filter process. Free radicals cause damage to your cells and can even bring about aging and disease. By using the filtering process made possible by your Chanson product your water acts as an antioxidant and neutralize free radicals so your body will be healthy and full of oxygen as well as energy.
You will find relief in abdominal complaints as well as protecting your body from pancreatic B cell damage. Combat your chronic diarrhea or the uncomfortable constipation with the use of the alkaline water in your daily diet. Studies have been completed that actually show the improvements made by people who switch to drinking alkaline water in their homes. You will even find that alkaline water is used in some cases to treat people suffering from renal failure. There are even cases where you can uses alkaline water to aid in preventing certain cancers that can destroy your body. Among these wonderful benefits you will find with the use of your alkaline water treatment there are also benefits for acne treatments as well as burns and wounds to your body.
Chanson offers a wide variety of products to choose from as well as the accessories you will need to keep your faucet working and ensure you are receiving all the wonderful benefits that come with drinking alkaline water. Imagine the savings you will experience when you no longer purchase the bottled water your local store offers as well as the money you will save by visiting your family doctor less than in the past.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Enjoy a Healthier You with Healthier Water
With drinking alkaline water, you are providing your body with the water it needs to function and ensure your health benefits. Alkaline water provides you body with the ionized water it needs to restore cell function. What this means is by using the ionized water machines you are getting electrically charged water that actually rejuvenates your cells and restores your cell function. You will also find that because alkaline water carries negative electrical charge, it acts as an antioxidant in your body and absorbs the radicals that can cause cell dysfunction on top of other problems. This water will assist in the detoxifying your system.
Along with the relief you will experience from detoxifying your system, this water will also provide you and your family with the benefits of neutralized acids. If your body is overly acidic like most bodies are you will find that water ionizers actually neutralize acids by creating a high pH level in your body that in turn lowers the acidity in your body, eliminating even more health concerns. With drinking the recommended amounts of alkaline water you are also increasing your hydration. Alkaline water works through your tissues easily because of the water’s smaller molecular cluster which provides you with up to six times better hydration than most waters.
Using the alkaline water you are ensuring your family is receiving the many health benefits as well as experiencing more energy, disease prevention and more. Sickness can become a thing of the past with the benefits offered with ionized water. You can purchase your system online as well as the many accessories available at wonderful prices and with offered discounts.
You will find there are different filters and water systems to provide your family with the drinking water they need and deserve. You can choose from under the counter models to models that sit on the counter for easy access as well as ionizers that attach to the faucets. The choice is yours so stop drinking unhealthy water and start drinking water that will assists in the fight of sickness, diseases and aid in the overall better health of you and your family.