Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Know What's in Your Water

Water is the most important liquid we put into our bodies each day. Studies have shown that by maintaining proper acid/alkaline balance in our bodies, we can insure proper organ function and benefit our health. Our body is made up of almost 80% water, so it is very important to continually replenish your body’s supply of water. It is very important in preventing common health problems and disease.

Every day your body loses over 2 liters of water, just by performing your normal daily activities. The quality and quantity of the water that you drink is equally important. You want to ensure that the water you put into your body will be able to prevent toxins and chemicals from building up and causing destructive damage on your body’s cells.

Water is also very important in aiding in the transport of valuable minerals and nutrients, which is required for your body’s cells growth. It is also responsible for removing a lot of damaging substances that may be harmful to your body. It is suggested that you drink water with a pH of 9 to 10, and that you consume at least 3-4 liters of proper pH balanced water daily.

Alkaline water is the best type of water to drink to help in neutralizing acids and toxins your body may store. These acids must be neutralized, so that they can be removed from the body. Alkaline water contains a helpful substance called ionic minerals. Ionic minerals act as a conductor of electrochemical activity, which travels from cell to cell. Recent reports have shown that ionized, alkaline water can prevent diseases from forming in the body and even possibly slow the aging process.

Drinking plenty of water and keeping your organs hydrated is very important, to ensure you prevent your body from failing to function properly. Being dehydrated can cause many problems such as; headaches, heartburn, depression, diabetes, sleep apnea, weight gain and even asthma. Brain function can even be affected, by poor hydration, since your brain is made of about 85% water.

You can find alkaline water ionizers in some local health food stores. You can also buy alkaline water ionizers online, from dealers who specialize in selling them. Keeping a daily supply of properly pH balanced water is important to your health. You should consider this when choosing the type of water to replenish your body’s organs.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Alkaline Water and Allergy Symptoms

As spring arrives, many of us will begin to once again suffer from allergy-induced illnesses caused by blooming trees, pollen, freshly cut grass, and other spring factors. You will likely find it difficult to ignore the many allergy-causing ingredients that can make spring a rough time for allergy sufferers.

Many allergy sufferers find that the time of year when most people are enjoying the great outdoors becomes more of a hassle than an enjoyment. However, there are some ways to help combat your allergy problems during the spring months. First of all, it's a good idea to consider getting started with an alkaline water regimen.

Alkaline water that has been negatively charged with the ions is scientifically and medically proven to help balance the ratio of acid versus alkalinity in the human body. While this may not seem a big deal, this balance can have a dramatic impact on the body's ability to combat allergens.

If you've suffered from allergies for a long time, you probably already tried other ways to treat and prevent the onset of allergy symptoms. For this reason, it's very likely you have nothing to lose and an ample amount of skepticism when it comes to natural allergy remedies. If you're tired of taking countless allergy pills and struggling with other remedies that have helped, embarking on a regimen of natural alkaline water as a treatment may just be the saving grace.

The good news is, you don't have to take our word for it. Use your skepticism as a tool and try alkaline water for a mere three weeks. We can guarantee that after a mere three weeks of an alkaline water routine, you will notice a dramatic improvement in your allergy symptoms. You may even find yourself venturing outdoors more often and enjoying some of the many benefits spring has to offer.

Don't waste another moment being stuck indoors while the rest of the world is blooming with the promise of spring. Instead, simply begin your alkaline regimen today, and treat your allergy problems naturally and effectively in a relatively short period of time.